Friday, July 27, 2012

Liam is 1 Month old!

Where has the time gone? Geez, my 'newborn' is 1 month old today!
My life sure has done a complete 180 degree spin but I wouldn't change it for the world. You really do wonder what you ever did before your children were a part of your life!

So far, my maternity leave has had some highs and lows. The post-labor healing was the hardest part of any of it. I think if that hadn't been such a burden, taking care of Liam those first few weeks would have been easier as well. However, when you need someone to help you even get out of a chair while holding your son, you can't help but to feel a little defeated. I mean, you can't even go pee without first waiting for the water to turn warm so you can fill up your squirt bottle.
Everything I could do to start making myself feel normal again, I did! And slowly, with the help of a lot of pain medication, I felt more like me after 3 weeks.
The second hardest thing was learning Liam. Like, what his cries meant, how to soothe him, trying to get him on somewhat of a schedule. Thank goodness that after 4 weeks, I think we have each other figured out.

Now on to the wonderful things...
His smile. I know its just 'gas' as doctors would say. However, its the cutest darn thing ever and when I think about "wonderful things"- that smile is literally the first thing that comes to mind.
I also love it when he falls asleep in my arms. Even though I struggle with, 'should I put him down now so I can get some stuff done'. I wish I could think less and just feel more. But my mind is constantly trying to do five things at once in order to take advantage of this time off work. When really, I'm suppose to just relax and enjoy my little man. That's hard for this 'do-er'. But, I'm getting better!
Another wonderful thing is watching my husband with Liam. It makes me smile. Even though men aren't 'maternal' ... he really does a great job. When Matt has Liam in his room, and he's talking to him... I can hear the conversation through the baby monitors in the house. That's one of my favorite things to listen to: Daddy talking to baby. Oh the conversations they will have as he grows.
I also love reading to Liam. He just stares up at me with wide eyes as if he can actually understand what I'm saying. The other night, he actually drifted off to sleep while I was reading and I couldn't help but to be excited for the moments when he shoves a book in my hand saying, "One more Mommy". 

1 month milestones for Baby:
- can balance his head on his neck for a good while but can't fully support it yet.
-started "ooh"ing and "ahhh"ing when he is stimulated. It's like his way of talking. I swear he just likes to hear his own voice sometimes. 
-his umbilical cord fell off during week 2 and he LOVES bath time!
-his last little scab on his head from the vacuum finally fell off during week 4.
-he can roll back and forth from side to side but doesn't care too much for tummy time. 
-he has been transitioned completely to his crib! 

1 month milestones for Mommy:
- I'm 90% healed from labor!
- I'm finally putting on clothes other than pajamas everyday!
- I find the time to do the laundry, dishes, and cook dinner almost every day!
- We walk the block around 7pm each night, Mommy, Daddy, Annie, and Liam! (in a stroller of course!)
- My dog and fish are still alive! ;)

I know everyone says you'll miss these newborn days. However, I really can't wait until Liam can interact with us, laugh, and play. And I REALLY can't wait till he starts sleeping through the night! :) Until then, I'll try my best to soak up these times with him, feeding, snuggling, stimulating... and loving. I can not believe that for so many years, Matt and I imagined this part of our lives together. And now, here he is... Liam is the product of our love. I feel like I waited on him for 10 years! He is my pride and joy and everyday he changes a little more. He's my 'bright-eyed' little boy!

Happy 1 Month Liam Malachi! 

Monday, July 16, 2012

Labor and Delivery

Well, the past 2 and a half weeks sure have been busy!
I definitely didn’t think my letter to Liam would be my last post before his arrival, but how nice that it was. In fact, I was laying in bed timing contractions as I typed it. This is where the story begins….

Monday, June 25th:
Our last doctor appointment… By this point, I was so sure Liam would be a late baby. I was dilated to 3 cm and the doctor offered to ‘strip my membranes’. She stated that by doing this, there is a chance I will go into labor within a couple of days. So, she performed the procedure which was pretty much just her beating up my insides while doing a cervical exam. Not as bad as I expected though. Instantly, I started contracting. We left the doctor’s office around 2pm and I went on home instead of returning to work. I layed in bed and timed contractions until my husband came home at 5:30pm. Contractions were 5 min apart, then 6min, then 4min, then 7min… It was quite frustrating. Matt (the hubby) had a work softball game that night at 6:00pm and asked if I felt up to attending. I had always heard that if it’s the ‘real thing’… nothing you can do will stop the contractions so I thought this was the perfect opportunity for me to get out of the house and see what happened. Well as soon as I parked my butt at the softball field, the contractions tapered off. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed. Actually, that’s an understatement. I was frustrated, tired, anxious.. ALL of the above. I just knew that I’d be the exception to the ‘stripping of the membranes’… All that rang through my head was my doctor’s words, “for some people it works in two days, for some… contractions start and stop and never come back”. I just knew that was me. So the game ended and we returned home.

Tuesday, June 26th:
My coworkers sure were surprised to see me this morning. At this point, we had a scheduled induction to take place the following Monday, July 2nd and I was so bummed that this would probably be the route we would have to take to bring Liam into the world. I really wanted to go natural and use as little medical intervention as possible and that would be completely against my ‘plan’. It was all I could think about. Well, the work day went on and around 2pm I decided to call it a day. No reason in particular other than I was tired and aggravated. As I was leaving, several co workers assured me I would not be returning to work the next day… Ha, I had heard that for 3 weeks though. I went home and lay in bed. This was becoming a routine for me. Around 3:00, contractions started back up. I was semi excited since I had felt absolutely nothing since 6:00pm the day before. I started timing them which almost became an obsession. Just waiting for them to be 5 min or less apart for a steady hour. That after all, was the magic time when my doctor would allow us to come to the hospital. So as I lay there timing, I decided to play some Sudoku and write on my blog. Contractions continued until Matt got home around 6:00pm. I was starving by this point and after an hour of debating, we decided to go to a local chicken restaurant, of course. Contractions were pretty steady throughout dinner and I noticed they started feeling … ‘different’. The contractions leading up to this day felt bearable. Felt exactly what you would think a contraction would feel like: tightening around the abdomen, like someone was squeezing your uterus. They weren’t super painful though, just enough to make you aware. Well, on this night… they were different. Around 8pm, they started getting so strong that I would close my eyes and stop whatever I was doing to get through some of them. I however, was NOT about to go to the hospital just to be sent home. I had experienced false labor for 3 weeks now and though this did feel a bit different, I had no real way of knowing yet. So, what did I do? I watched ‘Dance Moms’.
Around 9pm, I decided to get ready for bed. As I lay there with Matt, the contractions became so strong that I had to squeeze his hand. He started timing them for me because during them, I had to use all my strength to concentrate and not tense up. We lay in bed timing until about 10:00 pm when I decided to get up and shower. I was hoping that if this was false labor, the activity of showering would make them stop.
It didn’t.
I then blow dried and straightened my hair with the intentions of not looking like a complete wreck if we were admitted to the hospital within the next 12 hrs. I then double checked our hospital bag and packed last minute things. During all of this, my contractions were a steady 3 minutes apart and getting pretty strong. Sometimes, one would hit and I couldn’t help but groan through it. They say ‘real’ contractions take your breath away; I thought this would mean you would be short of breath after it but it literally is a pain so strong that your chest feels a bit compacted. Not to scare anyone though- they were still bareable. I honestly was wavering back and forth as to whether we should go to the hospital or not. After everything was ‘done’ (I literally contemplated dusting the house really quickly incase we left for the hospital, HA!) I layed back down with Matt and told him I would give it to 11pm. At 10:45… I had a contraction so strong that it brought tears to my eyes and I knew this was no false labor.

 We were at the hospital by 11:15pm that Tuesday night. They hooked me up to monitors and watched my contractions for half an hour. She checked my cervix and I was dilated to 4cm. The nurse contacted my doctor who could see my contraction chart from her home computer. Since my contractions were a steady two minutes apart for the entire time, at 12:05am on Wednesday, June 27th… OFFICIALLY Liam’s Due date… we were admitted to the hospital for active labor! Yes, I sort of freaked out. Realized that the next time I returned home, there would be a small, fragile little one to care for. It took a while for the nurse to move us from the triage bed to an actual room. During our waiting, I realized that the contractions were 100 times more bearable while standing. She had me lay down to adjust my monitors and the contractions literally double me over. In my mind, there was no point in experiencing labor this way when I knew standing would ease the inevitable pain.
So, for 20 minutes we waited on the nurse to return with admission instructions- all the while I stood, holding on to Matt, beating these 2 minute apart contractions. I had read a lot about controlling your pain tolerance and breathing through the pain. It was important to remind myself that the pain was only temporary and would soon be over. This type of ‘control’ really helped me get through each contraction and Matt actually had me laughing in between them. Gravity was my best friend though. I’m telling you- standing was the best way to get through that time.
The nurse returned to do my I.V. And let me tell you, I am SUCH a baby when it comes to needles! I cried my eyes out through the entire thing! Blood was everywhere when she finished! Ha! When you are admitted, they immediately take a few vials of blood- and apparently this hospital goes ahead and draws it from your IV line. I knew this was coming but I was NOT prepared for it.
Once that was done and I was completely psychologically immobile in one hand, they walked us to our labor room. Here I requested to go walking the hallways since the plan was no epidural and the contractions were too unbareable while laying down. They hooked me up to some wireless monitors to keep track of baby’s heart rate; and we walked and sipped on water. Normally, if you plan to have an epidural, they will go ahead and hook you up to an I.V. of fluids. I however, was so traumatized from the I.V. procedure that I refused the fluids and demanded a cup of water to drink instead. I walked for about 20 minutes until the nurse lost connection to our monitors. The wireless system wasn’t working so well. I returned to the room where the nurse had me lay down to check me as I was feeling quite a bit of pressure … down there. I was dilated to 6cm. I whole heartedly feel that walking through the contractions helped us progress 2 whole cm in an hour! While laying down, I experienced excruciating pain during a contraction. To the point where I jumped out of bed to stand so the pain would ease up. At this point, my ‘no epidural plan’ went out the window. As scared as I was of needles, I knew that eventually, I would have to labor on my back. I know there are other options: squatting, on all fours, standing, in a tub, etc… but I wasn’t really into all that. If I was eventually going to be placed on my back, I knew I didn’t want to experience the pain I was feeling.

They called the anesthesiologist to, ‘wake him up’. Those three small words freaked me out. But apparently they said he was the best to have on call. Since I refused fluids earlier and it’s required that you complete 2 bags of fluids before administering an epi, they immediately hooked me up to some and began pumping them double time into my I.V. This sucked because the fluids made my arm freezing cold which in turn made my whole body shiver. I had two blankets over and Matt’s sweatshirt!

The anesthesiologist arrived and Matt was required to leave the room for the procedure. (Hospital policy which was dumb). Seeing his face as he had to leave me was heart-breaking. He knew how terrified I was of this procedure and I had already told the nurse that it’s quite possibly my biggest fear.
So, he left and it began.
They cleaned my back and I leaned into the nurse’s chest. (Dealing with all these nurses gave me a new respect for what they do. They really do have hearts of gold!) I squeezed her and all comfort zones went out the window. She was so comforting- but not comforting enough. The anesthesiologist warned me that the numbing shot would be the worst. I expected this shot to be something like the numbing shots you get in your gum at the dentist. No, the needle felt deep into my spine and HURT. I won’t even sugar coat it. I don’t know why it hurt so bad to me but it was the first time I actually screamed. I almost bit the nurse’s collarbone! HA!
Once that was complete (oh yeah, not to mention I was HAVING a contraction during the procedure! UGH) – he fed the catheter in through my back. This was a good bit of pressure and it SUCKED but it wasn’t nearly as bad at the numbing shot. He taped it into place and laid me into bed. He hung around for a bit waiting for the medicine to kick in. I warned him that my body sometimes fights anesthesia and I convinced him to pump a little extra ;-). Matt was finally back in the room- THANK gosh!
At this point, the medicine had really set in and I DID NOT like the way it felt. My skin started itching (a reaction to the anesthesia) and my legs and feet felt like a constant ‘asleep’ tingle. I thought the anesthesia would make them nonexistent but apparently they've ‘improved’ (not an improvement in my opinion) the medicine where you are still aware of feeling but not pain. So I couldn't feel someone touching my foot but the tingle was so annoying. So much so, that the epidural was administered at 2 am and by 7 am, I still had not slept. I was constantly asking Matt to pick my legs up and readjust them. Maybe it’s a personal thing but that feeling was so frustrating; I almost regretted the epidural… It WAS nice not feeling the contractions, or the urine catheter they installed, OR the cervical checks… All things that for sure would have been uncomfortable.
Around 6 am, the nurse stated that my doctor would be in at 7:30 am to check me. That was the longest wait ever. I knew I had to be close to ready because I measured a 6cm at 2am! It was now 7am! My doctor showed around 7:15am and stated she had a c-section to do down the hall at 7:30 am and would be back to check me and break my water afterwards. That was so frustrating to wait for. I felt like I was ready to push but had to wait on my doctor to finish someone else. Maybe it was not sleeping for 24 hrs that got to me but I just started bawling around 8:00am. Waiting on her sucked! I was more and more uncomfortable and a sort of anxious you can’t describe. The nurse was so sweet, wiping my tears for me and assuring me it wouldn’t be much longer.
Around 8:15am, my doctor walked in and checked me. She said that there was ‘no bag of waters’ which was odd because at NO point had it broken. This stumped all the nurses and myself. Later we learned that the bag had broken but Liam was already so low, that the water had gathered up behind him. She also said I was 10cm dilated and ready to push.

 PUSH…. For 2 HOURS?
They wheeled in the baby cart and suturing table and pulled down the big bright light and man did things get real, FAST! They positioned me to start pushing and the doctor left. I was so confused. Apparently, you just start pushing with your nurse until they get an idea of how long it will take. After my first set of pushing, she stated I would need to probably push for an hour. AN HOUR?! I thought this was the fast part? Okay, I can do this… Game on.
So we pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed. At 9:24 am I kindly reminded my nurse, “its been an hour” and she stated that yes, it has but it seems that every time I push, he comes 1 inch out and slides back in 2 inches. Agh… so the doctor came in and stated, “oh you’re doing GREAT! Great pushing!” but I didn’t feel this to be true. She stated that if necessary, we could use a vacuum to assist since I seemed so tired. I told them that I was completely against that unless it got to a point where my pushing just wasn’t effective anymore. The nurse stated that he had descended but I would need to keep pushing before determining that. I pushed for another hour and then the nurse checked my temperature. 101.3- It freaked me out how that concerned her so. She immediately got the doctor in the room and let her know. She replied, “Oooooh. Okay, we gotta have this baby now”. I freaked… “LIKE A C-SECTION???” I said. The doctor replied, “no, no nooo… vacuum.” UGH. Okay, that was better than a c-section. However, before we even applied the vacuum, Liam had skin peeling off his scalp. The nurses and doctor were confused by this- unless it happened from the nurses being too rough with their cervical checks.
The doctor informed us that, Number 1: with my temperature being high, he would most likely be admitted to NICU for antibiotics. And Number 2: the vacuum would scab up his head a bit. We were thankful for this knowledge going into it so we would be prepared for when that time came.
So, the doctor applied the vacuum and I pushed… “POP”- the vacuum slipped off. All I could think about was his poor scalp. She tried again… “POP”… It came off again. I could see the frustration on my doctor’s face and hear it in her voice. There were neonatal nurses standing around and pushing nurses and the doctor and people holding my legs…and my husband by my side when I heard the doctor say to the nurse next to her: “get the forceps”. She DIDN’T even ask me. She didn’t even tell me.. she just demanded it. That scared me. Everything up until this point had been communicated with me but this had a sense of urgency. I immediately looked up at Matt and for the first time, my eyes welled up with tears of fear. He was so amazing at keeping me calm and assured me it was okay. The nurse returned with the forceps and the doctor started inserting them. Now what I didn’t realize going into this is that you have to wait for a contraction to come before you can push. This gets old FAST. My contractions had slowed to 5 minutes apart and waiting that time frame in between pushing was horrid. I was afraid the contractions would slow to a stop and a c-section would be next but thank the Lord they didn’t.
The first time I pushed with the forceps, Liam didn’t come out. But once I finished pushing and relaxed to wait on another contraction, everything got sucked back in. Including Liam and the forceps. This was a type of pain that the epidural couldn’t mask. I felt like my bones were being pushed a part! I just laid there in the bed shaking my head and I remember saying, “I can’t, I can’t, I can’t”. Five long minutes passed and another contraction came. I saw the determination in my doctor’s face. She was getting this baby out this time; and I, well I pushed harder than I had in the entire 2 hour period.

I heard, “ALMOST! PUSH!” and then I heard, “The head is out”. Which was an incredible emotion. The forceps would not be necessary from then on. I saw Matt glance over at Liam’s head and look back at me and say, “wow”. Then within seconds, the rest of his body was out. He started crying immediately! To see this baby all balled up, with his legs to his chest and face screaming while the doctor laid him on my belly was … remarkable.
It is unbelievable at that moment that a child has lived inside of you for 9 months and is now laying on your chest. The neonatal nurses took him from my chest to the warmer. I told Matt right away to follow them. He was a pale grey color which was definitely scary. But we also knew that his heart rate was good and steady the whole time and he cried immediately which were both good signs. He was very still and quiet though once laying in the warmer. I didn’t realize this until I went back and watched the video that Matt took. It is definitely much more frightening to go back and see now. Doctors told Matt that they were going to go ahead and take Liam to the NICU since he wasn’t doing the best breathing on his own but he shouldn’t be in there for too long.

In the meantime, my doctor did all the afterbirth stuff and stitched me up. I did not feel a THING which was great! I really thought I would after experiencing the pain of the forceps but … nothing!
The doctor completed and within moments the entire room was cleared out and it was just me, Matt, and our nurse again. She removed my epidural, removed my catheter, and started antibiotics through my I.V due to my temperature. She brought me sprite and graham crackers which were the best dang sprite and graham crackers I ever ate. She returned in 45 minutes to help me walk to the restroom. There she taught me about how I would heal and take care of myself for the next several weeks. Right away I was put into a wheel chair and wheeled to our postpartum room. I couldn’t believe how fast after delivery everything was done and we were moved! I was THRILLED to have ‘my legs back’ as I kept repeating. All the while, I knew Liam was in good hands and I sent Matt to go visit him. He returned with the sad picture of Liam with the CPAP on his face, iv, and stomach tube. It looked worse than what they let on- BUT they did say he would only be there for a few hours. Well, hours passed and his pediatrician came into our postpartum room and said that he was doing good but would probably not be with us until later that night. We trusted her and the doctors working with him and were able to finally catch an hour or two of sleep. At 8pm I was very curious as to why he was not with us yet so Matt wheeled me to the nursery. The nurse stopped us before we got over to him and stated, “you’re going to be surprised!”. I walked over and the CPAP was removed which immediately made me cry with happiness.

Before, we were not allowed to hold him because of it and the ‘stress’ it would cause the baby. So now… finally, almost 12 hours after laboring… I was able to hold my baby boy. What an incredible feeling. Talk about love. Wow.

Long story short, his breathing and everything was great by the next afternoon. The nursery worked great with us by calling to our room every 3 hours in the middle of the night for me to come feed Liam. By 11am the next morning, Matt and I were getting up and preparing to walk down to the nursery to go visit Liam. When we opened our door, there Liam lay in his own little bed, right on our doorstep. We had intercepted the nurse bringing him to us for good. What a surprise. Again… tears of joy! Then she walked away and fear set in. We were officially in charge of this precious little angel. Would I do everything right, would I learn his cries? Would he stop breathing if I slept? Would he be comfortable and healthy? But just having him there was answer enough… God had chosen us and none of those concerns were meant to be worried over. We were officially a family of THREE and blessed beyond belief!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Dear Liam...

You are taking forever. Well, I guess YOU aren't taking forever but rather my body is. I guess you're catching a lot of slack from us impatient outsiders. Everytime you roll or push, I wonder if you're miserable all cramped up or cozy? Well, Mommy is miserable... mentally and physically. I am so anxious to see your precious face. Don't tell Daddy but I really hope you have MY eyes. You can have everything else of his... especially his heart and his strength. I hope you're a Daddy's boy. He cant wait to throw ball around in the backyard with you. Neither your father nor I have ever broken a bone but I just know the day will come when you do. I don't think I'll be able to handle it! Daddy will be amazing in times like that. He's very calm. I picture you as a jokester... always saying something silly whether you knew it or not. I bet you'll love to make people laugh. Sorry to say it, but you'll probably need glasses... and braces... and acne medication by the time you're 12. You're being born into a wonderfully loving family but we don't have the best genes. :) All that will pass and everytime I look at you, I will be blown away at how you are an extension of your father and I; a product of our love and nearly 10 year journey. Everything you do will make our lives richer. I wonder what your laugh sounds like or if you'll bite your nails like Mommy does. (I hope not) Daddy is good at Math and Mommy is good at English so either way you go, you should have some pretty effective help with homework. We'll let the dog eat anything science related :). Oh yeah, you have a dog. Her name is Annie and since she's been our only baby for 7 years, I don't think she's so thrilled about your arrival. She'll come around though, and eventually be as protective of you as I am. Just a heads up, she really doesn't like her hair pulled. Just another day passes as I await the 'true' laborious contractions. But, you have 5 more days and then we're coming to get you. So memorize what my heartbeat sounds like and I'll memorize your kicks, but soon I'll be able to hold your hand, kiss your face, and most importantly... watch your father fall in love with someone other than me. I love you, Mommy

Thursday, June 21, 2012


If there was one thing I wish I had done differently during this pregnancy, it would be taking better 'progress' photos. In the beginning, I had the plan to take a picture every week. However, when it takes 20 weeks to really notice a difference, it all feels a bit excessive. There are thousands of cute ways to announce each weeks' progress. (chalkboards, collages, measuring the belly, info on baby's growth, etc) I was doing good just to get a picture! If I could do it all over again, I would wear the same looking outfit for each picture and religiously stay on top of the documenting! This is about as good as it gets for us this time. Next time we'll do better! Regardless, it is SO incredible what the human body does to make room for NEW LIFE! Even if you do have to kill yourself to get your body back afterwards! :)

click to enlarge

Week 39

I have to admit, I didn't think I would make it this far. Or rather, I hoped I wouldn't make it this far. I would have been fine with Liam making his grand appearance anywhere between 38-39 weeks. However, he has other plans. We now have 6 days until our due date and no signs of labor! We have done several of the old wives tales of inducing labor at home, however, no success! Silly tales! I'm okay with waiting; I know it will be so worth every anticipated moment when I finally hold him. I'm just anxious :) At our doctor's appointment this past Monday, (38 weeks and 5 days) we measured at 2cm dilated and 75% effaced. No huge change but the doctor was impressed that we had dilated an additional cm with no contractions or pain.  Then again, it could just be from Liam dropping significantly, almost overnight! I'll take it! I'd much rather have more bathroom visits rather than being short of breath due to him pressing against my lungs.
Now, I'm just excited because I know, worse case scenario, we will be induced on July 2nd (5 days after due date). Its nice to know, at some point, this child WILL be born!

My state of mind is as follows:
Step 1. Get through work today and tomorrow so we can chill out on the weekend, take long walks, and do our last bit of cleaning around the house!
Step 2. Get to Monday, our LAST doctor's appointment to see if we have dilated anymore. I will ask about her possibly stripping my membranes which I have heard, hurts like HECK but has a 1 in 5 chance of starting labor within 24 hrs! (much better alternative to apitocin induction) This way we can leave the doctors office, go back home and await the contractions, labor at home, and hopefully admit ourselves later that night or Tuesday.
Step 3. If my doctor refuses, then we make it to WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27th! Liam's due date, with no Liam. Still, monumental! And I guess I'll keep going to work until Thursday :/
Step 4. Matt's Mom, Dad, and Nana all arrive on Thursday, June 28th into the Wichita Falls airport. It will be great to have family here!
Step 5. My Mom will arrive on Sunday, July 1st!! Her first time seeing where Matt and I have made a home for ourselves
Step 6. INDUCTION on Monday, July 2nd! and hopefully a sweet, healthy, baby boy will grace the world FINALLY!

I guess it helps for me to type it all out! Clears my head and gets my mind in perspective! I am so ready!

How far along? 39 weeks and 1 day
Total weight gain: 27 pounds
Maternity clothes? yup.
Stretch Marks? Not yet.... just tons of cellulite!
Sleep: Yes, please!
Best moment this week: Reactions from strangers when they ask, "how much longer" and I reply, "next week"... and they step back and reply, "woah" as if my water could break all over them at any moment. 
Movement: Not very much, but he gets the hiccups a lot!
Food cravings: hmmm, nothing really?
Labor signs: During the 'new moon' I felt a LOT of pressure and cramping. I really thought that would be the night we went into labor... but ... nothing. And nothing since!
Belly button in or out: Still out.. and flat. 
Wedding rings on or off? on :)
Mood: Tired, bored, content. 
Milestones: Making it through this work week! 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Week 38

We've made it to week 38 and I am waiting patiently getting very anxious! Waiting is the worst, and I don't know why we do? He is going to come at some point so why isn't it easy to just sit back and wait for that day? I'm trying to cherish every last moment Matt and I have together, just as the two of us, but we are so excited to see our baby boy, its hard! Honestly, Liam's timing is perfect so far. This weekend we are going to celebrate our Wedding Anniversary!! And its a blessing he hasn't come before now because this will be our last official date night for a while. Full of shopping, dinner, and a movie just for the two of us. Yes, I may be a waddling whale and exhausted by 8pm, but I can't wait! I think deep down inside, Liam knows what he's doing :)
And.... our choice of movie.... so perfect:
What To Expect When You're Expecting

So, with that being said, my state of mind is as follows:
Step 1: Make it to Saturday to enjoy a nice day full of celebrating our marriage and spoiling each other for the last time in our lives.
Step 2: Make it to Monday morning so we can attend our doctor's appointment and hopefully find out we've progressed a bit!
Step 3: Make it to Wednesday where I can feel like I accomplished a milestone of "39 weeks"

How far along? 38 weeks
Total weight gain: 26 pounds
Maternity clothes? yup.
Stretch Marks? Not yet.... then again, I can't see much of the bottom half of my body.
Sleep: Actually, not bad. I started icing my hips before bed which has helped with the pain!
Best moment this week: When this old, elderly couple actually beat me walking into church on Sunday morning. I guess I've slowed down more than I thought.
Movement: yes, but he's calming down a bit. It's more 'bulging' now than anything else.
Food cravings: Just chocolate. And I really want steak and shrimp from Red Lobster...
Labor signs: Well I have been having irregular contractions at night time, every night since last Thursday. But last night I felt NONE. SO ... as of now. No.
Belly button in or out: Still out.. and flat. A friend best described it as the bottom of a balloon... ha
Wedding rings on or off? on :)
Mood: Some people at work said I was cranky yesterday... Woops. I think I'm pretty much the same but my patience is wearing a bit thin.
Milestones: Making it through the weekend since everyone from our work places assured us we wouldn't!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Maternity Photos!!

The day is finally here that we can share our photos from the Maternity photoshoot we did at 35 weeks preggo! The wonderful Blair Ramon of Wichita Falls, TX did a fantastic job! Here are some of my favorite shots below:


Week 37

Well isn't this just an anticipating waiting game! We've made it to 37 weeks which is a blessing because of 2 words: "FULL TERM". Halleluyer! If baby Liam came today, we could hope his lungs would be strong enough to function on their own. No real changes in me... I still haven't experienced any contractions. I had a scare yesterday... I thought my water broke a bit but it was just a false alarm. I definitely had a freak out moment though where I thought, "I'm NOT READY!". But I know God will make sure Liam comes in perfect timing! I just can not fathom that in a couple short weeks (maybe less) Matt and I will no longer be... 'us'. There will be 3 of us. Yeah, you know that's coming the whole 9 months leading up to labor.. but I don't think it really hits you until you know your water could break at any moment! Eeekk!! I think this weekend, we'll finish cleaning the house, top off the last items in the hospital bag, and movie Liam's wipe warmer, diapers and other needs into the bassinet area in our room. This is getting all so real!

How far along? 37 weeks and 1 day
Total weight gain: 24 pounds
Maternity clothes? Heck yea... by the way, what does it mean when you grow OUT of your maternity clothes?
Stretch Marks? No... but I can see some faint lines that might show up after he arrives.
Sleep: Not horrible... I'm waking up about 3-4 times to pee though! And my left hip starts hurting pretty bad after about 8 hrs and there's no use in sleeping after that.
Best moment this week: losing my mucus plug! I felt like we were getting somewhere! Oh and getting our maternity pictures back! (see next post)
Movement: YES! He's running out of room but he always bulges into my rib and every once in a while I get a heel or foot poking out!
Food cravings: chocolate chip cookies... and anything cinnamon.
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Just getting indigestion with almost everything I eat or drink, even WATER!
Labor signs: none! ugh.
Belly button in or out: out
Wedding rings on or off? on :)
Mood: fairly cheerful but very much tired all the time.
Milestones: my mucus plug fell out at 36 weeks and 6 days!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Week 36

Well here we are, just counting down the days until little Liam's arrival. We are 36 weeks and 5 days today and our doctor's appointment went smoothly this morning. I thought I woke up last night with a contraction but after it went away, nothing else followed. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't anxious. I prayed the other day for the Lord to help me remember to cherish these last few weeks rather than wishing them away. I know I'll have little Liam to look after all my life but only 3 weeks left to have him in my belly.
Something I can't wait to see.... are his movements. He is moving less and less lately but he does (what I think to be) a stretching out of his legs which pushes his bottom into my ribs and a heel into my side. As much as it makes me cringe, I love rubbing that little heel until it relaxes back into my belly. :) He also does a tapping movement. Strange I know.. its literally like a little woodpecker inside of me... I'm curious to see what he's actually doing once he is here with us in person.

I've started this new blog to not only keep friends and family updated, but as a journal for myself too. I'm horrible at actually writing things down and as these last few weeks pass, so many details will come and go. Like for instance, at 36 weeks exactly, we went for an ultrasound and found out Liam has a bit of hair! 
He is also head down and face down! 
AND, after a cervical exam, we are officially 1 cm dilated and 75% effaced! 
I haven't experienced any contractions but I have had mild menstrual cramping here and there. Is this a form of contractions? 

In the meantime, the hospital bag is packed, his car seat is installed and ready, all his clothes are washed in baby safe detergent, bassinet and changing area are set up and ready beside our bed, and I am mentally and physically ready for maternity leave from work! All the 'expected' items are checked off our to-do list. Now bring on the unexpected, the sleepless nights, the dirty diapers, the spit up, the hormonal roller coaster, and the broken vadge... I'm ready to see our little boy and all that comes with it!

Also, stay tuned for some maternity photos! Our wonderful photographer Blair Ramon out of the Wichita Falls, TX area did some wonderful work for us and we're just awaiting the c.d. of all the images. In the meantime.....